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ABL's Guide To Finding The Right Sized Respiratory Protection

ABL's Guide To Finding The Right Sized Respiratory Protection

Choosing The Right Size Respirator To Suit YOU!

ABL's Guide To The Perfect Fit

Why Is It So Important That Your Respirator Fits You Properly?

Tight-fitting respirators must seal to the wearer’s face in order to provide expected protection.
Respirators are only effective when the outside air is passing through the filter and not through any leaks, since air will take the path that has the least resistance it is imperative that the respirator has a tight seal around the face. 
The better a respirator fits, the more stable it’s likely to be on the wearer’s face

Does My Respirator Need Fit Testing?

All tight fitting respirators are required to be fit tested in accordance with AS/NZS 1715:2009. To pass a quantitative fit test you will need to ensure that your mask is the correct size and shape for your face.
It is compulsory that the wearer is clean shaven and has no makeup on. Facial hair and makeup can impact the effectiveness of the seal around the mask, due to this ABL will not conduct any fit test if the customer is not clean shaven or is wearing makeup.

Some Examples Of Tight Fitting Respirators That Require Fit Testing Include:

Respiratory Fit Testing should be updated at least annually.
In addition to this, fit tests need to be performed:
  • When the wearer changes the size or style or model of the respirator used
  • If there are any changes to the wearer's face such as facial hair, weight fluctuation or dental work

What Size Mask Will Fit Me?

We understand that faces come in all different shapes and sizes, so we encourage you to use the following guide taken from CleanSpace Australia for all half face tight fitting masks.

If unable to determine which mask size will fit you best contact our office for further assistance.

Need To Book A Respiratory Fit Test?

ABL's respirator fit testing services can provide an efficient and professional solution so that you and your workers are covered.
We offer in-house respirator fit testing on the Gold Coast and onsite respirator fit testing in SE QLD. To book an appointment please click here or call us on 07 5618 5100 for more information.

ABL Distribution offers Australia wide distribution of all respirators and masks.

In many areas of Brisbane, Logan, Gold Coast, Tweed and Northern NSW, ABL offers free delivery. 
